Happy Birthday to us! We’re 12! Ok, so that may sound a little self-promoting I know. Honestly though, given all of the challenges since we opened our doors, I am quite proud that we’re still standing — and standing stronger than ever! While there have been some tough times that have made for some long days, the truth is that these 12 years have really flown by. We opened our doors, we moved our location (I know that it was just across the greenway, but a move is a move if you have to pack and unpack all of the stuff!), won a few “best of” awards and watched some of our retail neighbors flourish while, sadly, some have closed or moved elsewhere. And the babies! Members of the Max’s team have brought 4 little people into the world while they’ve been here.
During the past 12 years, however, a few things have remained constant. The single biggest of these, and the most important to us, is the support of our customers. Your support, encouragement, friendship and smiles mean the world to us. We love what we do and we are so grateful that what we are doing here at Max’s has meaning to you. Since the first day of creating the vision for Max’s, one of the most important things to me was to create a space that was inviting and welcoming to our customers in order to display what we believe to be the best “artful” jewelry.
Jewelry is about self-expression. I’ve always said that, while trend watching is fun, the most important thing in selecting and buying jewelry is how you feel about what you’re choosing to put on your body. You might choose something because of the material it’s made from, because of the inspiration behind the piece, because of the occasion it represents, or because it’s just downright beautiful. Whatever it is that moves you to say “yep, that’s the one!”, it’s our hope that you’ll feel great every time you open your jewelry drawer and see it and put it on your body.
We’ll be heading into the jewelry markets soon to find some new wonderful things to bring your way. We’re never content to rest on our laurels, and are excited about what the next several months — and years — will bring! Now it’s time to celebrate with some chocolate!